07-23-09 Thursday

2 coffee as hc [0 carbs /0 protein]
2 eggs [1 carbs /12 protein]
1 slice healthy life toast w/butter [6 carbs /2 protein]
Total for breakfast [7 carbs /14 protein]

Chicken Fajita w/onion, peppers, salsa, sour cream -no tortillas -no chips
[estimate: 12 carbs / 50 protein]
Total for Lunch [estimate: 12 carbs / 50 protein]

1 pork steak [0 carbs / 47 protein]
3/4 cup cooked medley veggies [ 3 carbs/ 2 protein]
1 T. one carb catchup [1 carb / 0 protein]
1 T. BBQ sauce [ 7 carb / 0 protein]
Total for Dinner [ 11 carbs / 49 protein]

Total for the day [30 carbs / 113 protein]

EDIT: (11:30pm)
Low Sugar - 2 slices Healthy Life Low Carb bread
one with peanut butter and jelly
the other with butter.


No snack.
I'm not hungry at all tonight. Wish this feeling would happen everyday/night. I'm very tired. I know that is a signal for me to watch it. I usually get the munches when I'm tired. Think I will take my shower and turn in. Try to get some extra zzzzzzzzz's.
Sorry I haven't had much going on here at the time capsule. Not much to say, sorry.


Anne H said...

Do you lose the hunger when your protein goes above 100 grams a day? Just curious!

Harry/JP said...

Your menus are saying plenty. :)

I think you're making excellent food selection, Jo.

I hope you get some good rest tonight.

Me said...

It's great that you know what your triggers are and work around them to avoid overeating. Keep up the good work!!

NewVision said...

This is the first time I have ever paid much attention to protein. I'm just keeping track of it now to see how much I usually eat. I've been reading the Dr. Bernsteins Diabetes book. So I'm trying to figure out how much protein to have to make myself feel satisfied.

Thanks, hope I can continue this way. :)

I know the triggers, now if I can overcome them. :)