B- 2 coffee AS HC CO
L-2 Healthy life LC bread
2 slices ham
1 slice provolone
D- 2 chicken breast
cole slaw
few potato wedges
1/2 small bag M&Ms
SN-2 saltines
1 glass milk
My Aunt made it in. She will be here for 2 weeks. Plan is to just not worry about the diet right now. Try not to gain it all back in these 2 weeks. Sometimes to feed a bunch of people the cheapest easiest way is the carbs. Sad but true.
I will be keeping track, but will probably be posting when I can.
I hope your time with your aunt is really special for you all.
I can understand your position, about relaxing the diet for the time being.
If nothing else, it will be a learning experience.
Be good to yourself and enjoy this time. I'll look forward to hearing and/or seeing all about it.
My best to you!
Double sad but true about carbs being the cheapest way to feed a crowd. Enjoy your time with your family!
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